script di bawah ini berfungsi untuk meng-konversi file berformat csv menjadi file berformat sql...
tinggal copy, lalu paste ke dalam file .php
simpan di dokumen root...
sesuaikan dengan konfigurasi anda
lalu jalankan di browser
$host = "localhost";
$databasename = "test";
$databasetable = "test";
$user ="root";
$pass = "";
$fieldseparator = ",";
$lineseparator = "\n";
$csvfile = "file.csv";
/*apa anda ingin menambahkan field kosong di depan record?
/*ini berguna jika anda memiliki table dengan field pertama berupa auto_increment integer
/*dan file csv tidak mempunyai field kosong di awal record
/*ubah nilai $addauto jadi 1 untuk iya, dan 0 untuk tidak..PERHATIAN:jangan ubah jadi 1 jika anda tidak yakin
$addauto = 0;
//untuk menyimpan hasilnya ke dalam file, ubah nilai $save jadi 1
//buat file .sql di dalam folder
$save = 1;
$outputfile = "output.sql";
if(!file_exists($csvfile)) {
echo "File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path.\n";
$file = fopen($csvfile,"r");
if(!$file) {
echo "Error opening data file.\n";
$size = filesize($csvfile);
if(!$size) {
echo "File is empty.\n";
$csvcontent = fread($file,$size);
$con = @mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die(mysql_error());
@mysql_select_db($databasename) or die(mysql_error());
$lines = 0;
$queries = "";
$linearray = array();
foreach(split($lineseparator,$csvcontent) as $line) {
$line = trim($line," \t");
$line = str_replace("\r","",$line);
baris ini mengabaikan special character. hapus jika sudah ada special character di dalam file csv
$line = str_replace("'","\'",$line);
$linearray = explode($fieldseparator,$line);
$linemysql = implode("','",$linearray);
$query = "insert into $databasetable values('','$linemysql');";
$query = "insert into $databasetable values('$linemysql');";
$queries .= $query . "\n";
if($save) {
if(!is_writable($outputfile)) {
echo "File is not writable, check permissions.\n";
else {
$file2 = fopen($outputfile,"w");
if(!$file2) {
echo "Error writing to the output file.\n";
else {
echo "Found a total of $lines records in this csv file.\n";
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